Featured Guests
Thomas Angus Ranch
Baker City, OR
Clarkesville, GA
Leachman Cattle of CO
Fort Collins, CO
Continuing the Pursuit of Excellence in the Beef Industry.
Experience - Tradition - Vision - Commitment - Passion - Leadership
These are hallmarks of the Leachman family for generations, and the principles that guide our cattle operation. These principles have guided us for more than 75 years of genetic improvement and innovation in the cattle industry. Join us as you learn more about our elite lineup of bulls, females, and semen designed to add up to one thing: Profit for our customers. We focus on cows that work, and steers that pay. The Leachman program offers the most comprehensive crossbred DNA enhanced EPDs in the industry, powered by Zoetis. Our cattle are backed by real life profit driven indexes, including feed efficiency, that enhance BOTH sides of the ledger.