Jorgensen Land and Cattle
They belong in the pioneers of performance group, but are continuously innovating, surviving, and challenging the status quo in the seedstock and cattle industry. This captivating two part episode of Brands and Barbed Wire with Cody and Greg Jorgensen is one you definitely don't want to miss. For more information about Jorgensen Land and Cattle visit jorgensenfarms.com.

Parker Ranch
Most ranchers greet each other with a Howdy or Hello, but today's guest greets you with an Aloha! Today we visit with the General Manager of Parker Ranch on the Big Island of Hawaii. You don't want to miss this interview with Keoki Wood and learn about Parker Ranch, Ranching in Hawaii and their commitment to the state. More information can be found on Parker Ranch at www.parkerranch.com and the paniolo (Hawaiian for Cowboy) at painolopreservation.org.

R.A. Brown Ranch
One of the worlds most renowned ranches for both cattle and horses. Since the 1800’s the R.A. Brown Ranch of Throckmorton, TX has been leaders and innovators in both the cattle and equine business. The family has been an integral part of Texas and American history for generations. We think you’ll really enjoy learning more about the famed R.A. Brown Ranch from Donnell Brown. You can find out more information about R.A. Brown Ranch at rabrownranch.com.

Paul Genho
He’s left a legacy in the cattle business and is truly one of the pioneers of the beef industry. You’ll enjoy listening and learning more about the history and accomplishments of Dr. Paul Genho the only person to manage two of the United States largest ranches, but there’s so much more! For more information about Dr. Genho's Day Lilly's visit. Monte Vista Farms @utahdaylily on Facebook. For more information on the King Ranch Institute for Ranch Management visit krirm.tamuk.edu.